CAMINOS: Suppressing the frontiers in higher education

CAMINOS: Suppressing the frontiers in higher education

Coordinated by Paul Arellano, the project received European Union funds

Paul Arellano, faculty member of the School of Geological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech University, coordinates the CAMINOS project with the European Union and Latin American Relations Observatory. This project is funded by the European Union. The main goal of CAMINOS is to contribute to the deepening of the Latin American Higher Education Space by improving the capacity of universities, university associations and networks to enhance, promote and manage internal, regional Latin American student and staff mobility. CAMINOS started on November, 2016, and has a three year duration. Two meetings have been held in the Technical University of Berlin and on the Chilean University Chairmans Council, in Santiago, Chile.

CAMINOS’ goals are: to develop and promote a common mobility management model for universities, associations, and networks, to generate greater awareness for the impact of South American regional mobility, to enhance dialogue both between European and South American universities/stakeholders and within Latin America, generally, on policies, tools, and frameworks to increase and improve mobility as part of the internationalisation/regionalisation of the higher education sector, and others. On this way, CAMINOS hopes to respond to the interest to better promote ‘structured’ mobility, mobility embedded in academic programmes that reinforces institutional cooperation.

Right now CAMINOS has more than 25 partners, that drift from universities to academic societies, academic mobility institutions, and international and governmental institutions for different countries. Two ecuadorian universities are part of the project: Yachay Tech University and Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). For further information access their website:


Yachay Tech, as part of its outreach and social strategies, contributes to the development of the educational communities located in the City of Knowledge, specifically working with the Technological Institute […]

Yachay Tech, as part of its commitment to work together with the community and improve the quality of life of the citizens of the San Miguel de Urcuquí Canton, has created a training program for the citizens with the aim of training them with the competences to access quality higher education.