José Angel Rivera, Ph.D.

Short Bio

José Ángel Rivera Ortega was born in Puebla City (Mexico), obtaining his degree in chemical engineering at University of Puebla (BUAP), Mexico in 2004, he got a M.Sc. with specialty in Chemical Inorganic (BUAP, Mexico) in 2007 and a PhD in Chemical Sciences with specialty in physical-chemistry (BUAP, Mexico) in 2010. From 2008 to 2009 like student of PhD he was invited to work in the ALFA Program between European Union & Latin America, for design of nanosorbents for gas storage, he worked in the characterization and evaluation of organic-Inorganic hybrid structures. He was stayed at Institute Charles Gerhardt, in the Equipe Physicochimie des Matériaux Désordonnés et Poreux (PMDP), Montpellier, France.

He was professor in the faculty of chemical sciences (BUAP) from 2011 to 2015. He has been working in the design and synthesis of new porous materials like catalyst, adsorbents, deliverance drugs, antibacterial materials and supports. He was honored as a member of the National Research System level 1 (CONACyT-Mexico) in the period from 2012 to 2015.

Summary of Interests

Catalytic reforming reactions. Catalytic process for the transformation of biomass such as agricultural residue, switch grass, municipal solid wastes. Characterization of catalysts. Materials science.

Synthesis and characterization of new porous materials synthetics and naturals like clays, apatite, zeolites, composites, solid hybrids and biologics. This materials could be used as catalysts, biocatalysts, supports, adsorbents and biomaterials.


Current Research projects

Characterization and chemical modification of natural materials like clays and zeolites in Ecuador for catalysts, adsorption and antibacterial systems.

Synthesis and characterization of new composites.

Synthesis of composites for structural dentals.


Selected Publications

  • Torralba-Sanchez, D. López-Jurado, J.A. Rivera, G. Fetter, R. Hernández-Huesca, M.A. Pérez-Cruz, P. Bosch. High-performance materials based on lithium-containing hydrotalcite-bayerite composites for biogas upgrade. ISSN: 0887-0624, Energy & Fuels, 30(2016) 7474–7480.
  • Netzahualcoyotzi, V. Galicia, G. Fetter, A. Rivera, P. Bosch. Stabilization of hemoglobin in double layered hydroxides to be used in carbon monoxide bio-oxidation I- synthesis and characterization. ISSN: 0920-5861, Catalysis Today, 266 (2016) 212-218.
  • E. Arroyo-Carmona, P. Reyes-Lucas, R.E. Ramírez-Gutiérrez, J.A. Rivera-Ortega, F.J. Meléndez-Bustamante, A. Pérez-Benítez. Teaching helical chirality with a paper helicopter. ISSN 1344-7963, Chemical Education Journal, 17 (2015) 1-10.
  • Gabriele Rocha Oliveira, Laricy Janaína Dias do Amaral, Marcelo Giovanela, Janaina da Silva Crespo, Geolar Fetter, José Angel Rivera, Alvaro Sampieri, Pedro Bosch. Bactericidal performance of chlorophyllin-copper hydrotalcite compounds. ISSN: 0049-6979, Water Air & Soil Pollution, 226 (9) (2015) 316 (pages 1-12).
  • Yazmín Badillo Caamaño, José Ángel Rivera Ortega, Geolar Fetter, Aarón R. Pérez Benítez, Efraín Rubio Rosas. Estabilización de metformina en hidrotalcita de MgCu/Al. ISSN 1870-1809, Boletín de la Sociedad Química de México, 8 (2014) 1-3.
  • Khuong Trung, I. Déroche, A. Rivera, Q. Yang, P. Yot, N. Ramsahye, S. Devautour Vinot, T. Devic, P. Horcajada, C. Serre, G. Maurin, P. Trens. Hydrocarbon adsorption in the isostructural metal organic frameworks MIL-53(Cr) and MIL-47(V). ISSN: 1387-1811, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 140(2011) 114-119.
  • A. Rivera, G. Fetter, P. Bosch. Hydroxyapatite synthesis using microwave irradiation during the crystallization step. ISSN: 1517-7076, Revista Matéria, 15 (2011) 506-515.
  • Sandrine Bourrelly, Béatrice Moulin, Angel Rivera, Guillaume Maurin, Sabine, Devautour-Vinot, Christian Serre, Thomas Devic, Patricia Horcajada, Alexandre Vimont, Guillaume Clet, Marco Daturi, Jean-Claude Lavalley, Sandra Loera-Serna, Renaud Denoyel, Philip L. Llewellyn, Gérard Férey. Explanation of the adsorption of polar vapors in the highly flexible metal organic framework MIL-53(Cr). ISSN: 0002-7863, Journal of American Chemical Society, 132(2010) 9488-9498.


  • CV