Alonzo Alfaro-Núñez, Ph.D.

Short Bio

I was born in Costa Rica, but I came to Denmark nearly 15 years ago where I did my entire undergrad, masters
and PhD. Now, I am trying to return with work all what Denmark has giving me (including a beautiful family) but keeping always my international nature to address global issues. I have a wide experience in evolutionary
genomics, environmental pollution with particular focus on co-evolution of associated diseases in the Oceans. I
seek to apply the gained knowledge and learned tools to contribute society by addressing issues related to the
environmental pollution, genetics and climate. Skills that I have achieved are mostly on research, with particular on sequencing technologies, teaching, personnel and field expeditions management, laboratory routines, reporting results to senior staff, performing analytical measurements under time-constraints, implementing statistical quality control and transferring knowledge (communication) to the public. As a goal, I want to establish my own research group in the future focused on Environmental Genomics and Sustainable Oceanic Management.


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