Juan Carlos De los Reyes, Ph.D.


Juan Carlos De los Reyes is the Director of the Research Center on Mathematical Modelling MODEMAT. He has a Mathematical Engineerig degree from Escuela Politécnica Nacional and a Ph.D. in Mathematics form the University of Graz, Austria. Dr. De los Reyes had several postdoctoral positions and research stays in Germany and Austria. He holds a Full Professor position at Escuela Politécnica Nacional since 2011.

Dr. De los Reyes has been awarded Fellowships from The World Academy of Science and the Ecuadorian Academy of Science and a Visiting Professor position at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He was also been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and a J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship by the University of Texas in Austin.

Research interests

  • Optimization with variational inequality constraints
  • PDE-constrained optimization
  • Optimization-based learning methods in imaging
  • Bilevel optimization in function spaces
  • Simulation and control of non-Newtonian fluid flow
  • Semismooth Newton methods in function spaces

Selected publications (2018)

  • P. Castro and J. C. De los Reyes
    A bilevel learning approach for optimal observation placement in variational data assimilation.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1811.11505]
  • J. C. De los Reyes and E. Loayza
    Total generalized variation regularization in data assimilation for Burgers’ equation.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1804.04447]
  • C. Christof, J. C. De los Reyes and C. Meyer
    A non-smooth trust-region method for locally Lipschitz functions with application to optimization problems constrained by variational inequalities.
    MODEMAT Technical Report[arXiv:1711.03208]
  • J. C. De los Reyes
    On the optimal control of some nonsmooth distributed parameter systems arising in mechanics
    GAMM-Mitteilungen, Vol. 40(4), 268-286. [link][arXiv:1711.08418]