Jeanette Carrera, MSc.

Chemistry by profession from the Central University of Ecuador, with a Master’s Degree in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry from the Alcalá de Henares University (Spain – Madrid) and a Doctorate in Engineering Sciences from the Iberoamerican University Mexico City. Her research expertise lies in issues related to the environment (water, soil, air), catalysis and electrochemical processes.

Qualified professional with 6 years of experience in the oil field, in supervision of drilling and environmental fluids, as well as extensive management experience in solid waste and effluent management. With 8 years of experience in the field of environmental audits and a vast knowledge of the chemical industry related to processes and research. University teaching and project research.


Fate, eco-toxicological characteristics, and treatment processes applied to water polluted with glyphosate: A critical review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,

  • Electrooxidation of a commercial formulation of glyphosate on boron-doped diamond electrodes in a pre-pilot-scale single compartment cell”, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.
  • Synthesis of Ni complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands. Application in Suzuki C-C coupling reactions, (2022), Food Magazine, Engineering Science of the Technical University of Ambato, 10.31243/aci.v29i1.1725
  • Educational software: teaching strategy on gas chromatography at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Ecuador, 2022, UTCiencia: Science and Technology at the service of the people, 9 (2), i-ISSN: 1390-6909. e-ISSN: 2602-8263.
  • Electro-oxidation with boron-doped diamond electrodes of a commercial formulation of glyphosate at pre-pilot scale (2022), Medwave, conference proceedings,

  • Curriculum Vitae