

  • Nanomaterials
  • Biomaterials for medical applications
  • Biomaterials for agricultural applications
  • Biomaterials for soil and water remediation

Plants, fungi, animals and bacteria produce biopolymers that can be applied in many contexts within biotechnology, with applications in medicine, agriculture, as well as in soil and water bioremediation. In medicine, applications range from surgical materials to materials that reduce the possibility of producing biofilms to drug application systems. In this sense, the synthesis of nanomaterials is a cutting-edge area for improving diagnostic systems and targeting drugs to their site of action.

Agriculture benefits from pesticide administration systems, water retention, among others. Finally, the development of biomaterials for the remediation of contaminated soil and water ecosystems will allow to establish, on the one hand, the levels of contamination present through the bioavailability of the contaminant, as well as to identify the most toxic pollution agents for flora and fauna. of the place. Finally, the implementation of biomaterials for remediation can help in the recovery of ecosystems contaminated by anthropogenic action at low contamination levels according to regulations.