Archivo de categoría ‘Physical Sciences’

One of sciences characteristics is that is is always evolving and changing. Little by little, we’ve come to have more 25 carbon materials of many shapes, sizes and properties. Now, […]

Juan Lobos was born in Valladolid, Spain 1977 and studied at his hometown university, UVa, where he obtained his Physics and Master’s Degree and contributed during several years to the Astronomy University Group as Secretary and President.

Henry Pinto obtained in 2006 his PhD in Physics in the field of Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Mechanical simulations at the Department of Physics at the National University of Ireland in Cork and Tyndall National Institute, Ireland.

Duncan Mowbray graduated with a Bachelor of Mathematics in Honours Applied Mathematics (with distinction) and a Bachelor of Science in Honours Physics (Dean’s Honours List) from the University of Waterloo in the year 2000.

We have been aware of the existence of Cosmic Rays for more than a century, and they have been observed with very high energy. In 2012, NASA discovered the origin […]

Caridad Bermeo
Divulgadora Científica

What are they? The greates secrets of the universe inside a subatomic particle