
10^30 years of solitude: What if protons decay? What do they tell?

I would like to talk about proton decay processes in general (why they are interesting, why scientists are searching for them) and if I have some spare time, I will also present (a part of) my recent  work, which you can find in https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.00035


10^30 years of solitude: What if protons decay? What do they tell?

10^30 years of solitude: What if protons decay? What do they tell?

19 / Abril / 2018
2:00 pm
Sala Capitular

Toshihiko Ota, Ph.D.

I would like to talk about proton decay processes in general (why they are interesting, why scientists are searching for them) and if I have some spare time, I will also present (a part of) my recent  work, which you can find in https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.00035

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